Who would benefit from coming to
Bengoa Physical Therapy?
Mary Bengoa, PT, MS
Is Physical Therapy for you? These are some of the people I am passionate to help live the life they want.
The mom trying to balance it all and needing a little help knowing how to take care of herself.
There are many women out there that take care of everyone else and never seem to have the time or the energy to take care of themselves. I love being a part of assisting them in finding ways to take better care of their bodies and be the person they want to be. I understand the stresses of being a Mom and wife and it brings me great joy when I can help you achieve your goals.
The hard working blue collar person that abuses their body and wants to be well as they age.
Our community is full of people that work hard and their bodies pay for the hours that they put in. I am here to help you deal with what your body is telling you and give you tools to use to get well and stay well.
Tim Maher roping again after shoulder dislocation and surgery among many other ranch related injuries
The rancher or farmer that works hard their entire life and just wants some help recovering from injury and being able to keep going.
I grew up on a ranch and the love of farming and ranching will always be in my blood. The respect that I have for this community is great and I have a passion to help you keep working and playing like you love to.
Sean Bengoa 2022- returned to football after concussion and neck injury.
The athlete that gets injured and needs help returning to sport.
For those that are dealing with being injured and not being able to be a part of the sport you love, I am here for you. I have spent countless hours with kids screening them, educating them on how to heal and rehab them so they can go back to doing what they want most to do again.
The person that has constant pain, and has already had surgery or cannot have surgery, but wants help managing symptoms and improving their quality of life.
Physical therapy cannot fix everything but we can help you learn how to best live the life you want with the body you have. We can teach you exercises, self correction techniques, posture and activity modifications to help you live a better life.
The person who wants to get healthy and fit but doesn't know where to start.
We love to help people transform their lives and if you are intimidated by not knowing how or where to start, we are ready to help you. There is never a place that you can't start from, so let us educate you, treat your problems and support you in your journey to be your best self.
Bengoa Physical Therapy helps motivated people find or regain the active life they want and avoid unnecessary medications, injections and surgeries.
Bengoa Physical Therapy
100 Carson Road, Suite B
Battle Mountain, NV 89820
+(1775) 455-0049
Fax (1775) 539-3234
By Appointment Only
© 2023 Bengoa Physical Therapy | Designed by Funnel Pandi